Welcome to Christ Community!

You may have noticed that our church purpose statement begins with the phrase “Confessing our brokenness…” To us, those are not empty words on a page or a pithy statement we hope might be true. It is one of the defining aspects of our church. After all, we are - like everyone else - broken people. Because of that, you are welcome here with us no matter what’s in your past or even what’s happening in your present.

The good news of Jesus is not for people who have it all together. Throughout the Scriptures, we see Jesus embracing those who humbly come before him and admit their need for His grace. If we believe we have no flaws, no wretchedness, and no sin before God, then there is no room for us to receive the wonderful beauty of His deep and merciful love. The greater our understanding of our sin, the sweeter His grace will be.

We are not perfect, but we know Someone who is. We invite you to join us in knowing and worshiping our perfect Lord. He has rescued us and given us life, and He offers this free gift to all who come to Him and trust and believe that He died for our rebellion. We are broken, but He is not. We deserve to die for our sin, but He died in our place. It is Him we worship and love, and it is Him we long to share with you.

Our church is more than just a collection of people who come together once a week to worship the Lord through music and hear the Scriptures taught clearly and without apology. No, we are a family defined and formed by faith in Jesus. We seek to be in one another’s lives and together walk through pain and tragedy as well as triumphs and joys. Will you join us as we follow Him?

Pastor Mark